Frawley Cemetery

                                                    Sylvan Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                                             HERE THEY SLEEP Narrative


Catalogued by Mrs. James A. Preston on October 25, 1974. Located in section 32, Town of Sylvan. Follow U.S. 14 north through Bosstown, take second left turn and continue southward for about one mile. Leave road at edge of woods and turn right for about 500 feet. The area is well wooded, which obscures the site from the roadway. The land is presently owned by Tim Manning, The burial ground was listed as a cemetery in a County plat of 1895.  However, it began as a family plot in about 1856. The site is in poor condition including the wire fenced enclosure. Eight known child burials and one adult concludes the total identifiable grave markers found at this late date. The one known adult, Zenas W. Beviers, was an early educator in Richland County. An early Bosstown postoffice was housed at his residence before the small township center became established along U.S. 14. Many small postoffices became obsolete as the population increased and rural routes increased their local delivery coverage. Felton Cemetery also replaced Frawley as a local burial site.

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