Dayton Corners Cemetery
                           Dayton Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                                                       Surnames E - L

                                                (Updated June 22, 2023)

SURNAME   Given Name  MAIDEN-OTHER      
ELLIOTT, John                      1883 1914 10-30-1883 01-21-1914
          Married Mary Emma Redfield.
     Son of Isaac & Elizabeth Hannah "Lizzie" (Shell) Elliott.

          [See Elizabeth Hannah "Lizzie" Shell-Elliott-Miller-CRAIG]
     Note: His wife Mary Emma Redfield Elliott, d/o George & Annie (Young)
        Redfield, she later married a Bacon after his death, their daughter
        Violet Elliott FELTON is buried in the Richland Center Cemetery.
ELLIOTT, William                   1881 1909 10-02-1881 05-10-1909

     Son of Isaac & Elizabeth Hannah "Lizzie" (Shell) Elliott.
          [See Elizabeth Hannah "Lizzie" Shell-Elliott-Miller-CRAIG]
ENGENDORF, Augusta OLKE            1855 1944            12-02-1944
     Married Otto L. Engendorf.
     Daughter of Michael & Christiana (Kietzman) Olke.
ENGENDORF, Clyde Lewis             1917 2002 11-08-1917 08-30-2002
     Married Letha Louise Jones in April of 1945.
Married Patricia F. Cook on March 1, 1954.
     Son of Herman Robert & Edith Pearl (Hilleshiem) Engendorf.
     "Beloved Husband Father & Grandfather"
ENGENDORF, Edith Pearl HILLESHIEM  1887 1951 08-17-1887 11-18-1951
     Married Herman Robert Engendorf on September 25, 1907.
     Daughter of Henry John & Unity B. (Norris) Hilleshiem.
ENGENDORF, Herman Robert           1881 1947 11-01-1881 08-29-1947 
     Married Edith Pearl Hilleshiem on September 25, 1907.
     Son of Otto L. & Augusta (Olke) Engendorf.
ENGENDORF, Letha Louise JONES      1924 1949 08-08-1924 11-06-1949
     Married Clyde Engendorf in April of 1945.
     Daughter of Arthur L. & Merle Bessie (Hankins) Jones.
ENGENDORF,  Lucille E.             1914 2008 02-24-1914 09-24-2008
     Daughter of Herman
Robert & Edith Pearl (Hilleshiem) Engendorf.
ENGENDORF, Otto L.                 1850 1908 06-19-1850 01-13-1908
     Married Augusta Olke.
     Son of Gotthilf & Julianer (Bothner) Engendorf.
          Note: Marker is engraved 1850-1910. Death record shows died 1908!
ENGENDORF, Patricia F. COOK        1934      06-18-1934

     Married Clyde Lewis Engendorf on March 1, 1954.
          Daughter of Francis E. & Margaret J. (McKinney) Cook.
     "Beloved Wife Mother & Grandmother"

     Death date pending.
EWING, (Baby)                      1894 1894 10-16-1894 10-17-1894
     Daughter of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing.
     Note: Added from death record.
EWING, (Baby)                      1926 1926 03-12-1926 03-13-1926
     Daughter of Buford V. & Ethel M. (Helsell) Ewing.
     Note: Added from death record.
EWING, Catherine Mahalia DENMAN    1874 1953 10-01-1874 09-22-1953
     Married John Thomas Ewing on June 11, 1893.
     Daughter of David D. & Sarah V. (Norris) Denman.
EWING, Emma P.                     1897 1903 09-16-1897 04-07-1903
     Daughter of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing.
     Note: Added from death record.
EWING, Frances "Lavina" RUSSELL    1863 1937 08-09-1863 01-12-1937
     Married George Franklin Ewing on April 19, 1885.
     Daughter of Newell J. & Matilda Jane "Tilda" (Denman) Russell.
     Note: Given name varies: Lavina/Livina/Lorina. Marker is Lavina.

EWING, George A.                   1916 1983 06-01-1916 08-10-1983
     MS with Rose. Married Rose Marie Keller on May 7, 1936.
     Son of Buford & Ethel (Helsell) Ewing.
EWING, George Franklin             1862 1915 04-19-1862 01-17-1915
     Married Frances "Lavina" Russell on April 19, 1885.
     Son of Thomas W. & Sarah Jane (Robinson) Ewing.
EWING, Harry                       1893 1894 09-03-1893 08-01-1894
     Son of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing.
     Note: Added from death record.
EWING, James Edward                1863 1893 07-06-1863 11-20-1893
     LS with his parents Thomas and Sarah.
Son of Thomas W. & Sarah Jane (Robinson) Ewing.      
EWING, John Thomas                 1865 1949 09-30-1865 05-19-1949
     Married Catherine Mahalia Denman on June 11, 1893.
     Son of Thomas W. & Sarah Jane (Robinson) Ewing.
EWING, Margaret Marie              1926 1926 11-03-1926 12-17-1926
     Daughter of Archie & Erma (Stayton) Ewing.
     Note: Both birth and death records shows birth date of 11-03-1926.
         The death record shows 12-17-1926 death date. However, the
         marker is engraved with years only of 1926-1927. Believe the
         1927 date years was engraved in error, and should be 1926.

EWING, Marjorie                    1925 1925 01-09-1925 04-22-1925
     Daughter of Buford V. & Ethel M. (Helsell) Ewing.
     Note: Added from death record.
EWING, May                         1913 1914 12-26-1913 02-15-1914
     Daughter of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing.
     Twin to Mary B. Ewing.

     Note: Added from death record.
         [See her sister Mary B. Ewing-JONES in Woodstock Cemetery]
EWING, Myron F.                    1928 1928 01-03-1928 01-03-1928
     Son of Archie & Erma (Stayton) Ewing. "Infant" 
EWING, Nellie Pearl                1887 1888 12-08-1887 12-02-1888
     Daughter of William V. & Hannah (Berry) Ewing.
EWING, Richard Charles             1916 1918 03-28-1916 05-08-1918
     Son of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing.
     Note: Added from death record.
EWING, Rose Marie KELLER           1919 2005 11-27-1919 02-13-2005
     MS with George. Married George A. Ewing on May 7, 1936.
     Daughter of Otto Jay & Mable Ellen (Dray) Keller.
EWING, Sarah Jane ROBINSON         1834 1905 11-09-1834 10-07-1905
     LS with her husband Thomas and their son James Edward Ewing.
          Married Thomas W. Ewing on January 6, 1853.
     Daughter of William & Rebecca (Richardson) Robinson.     
EWING, Thomas Edward               1912 1981 03-07-1912 05-10-1981
     Son of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing.
EWING, Thomas W.                   1829 1896 10-21-1829 10-25-1896
     Private Co K 44th Wis Inf - Civil War
     LS with his wife Sarah and their son James Edward Ewing.
Married Sarah Jane Robinson on January 6, 1853.
     Son of George Vernon & Mahala (Osborn) Ewing.      
EWING, William David               1910 1924 04-29-1910 04-27-1924
     Son of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing.
          Note: Added from death record.
FABER, Lucille Viola "Lucy" JURGENSEN-BUNCE 1929 2001 02-04-1929 06-01-2001
     Married Merle Daniel Bunce on October 15, 1946 in Iowa.
     Married Robert "Bob" Faber.

     Daughter of Carl Christian & Estella Viola (Ferguson) Jurgensen.
     "Our Daughter"
FAITH, Arlis                       1912 1913 07-24-1912 10-11-1913
     Son of Harvey Jasper "Jess" & Carrie (Haller) Faith.
     Note: Added from death record.
FAITH, Carrie HALLER               1877 1944 03-21-1877 09-10-1944
     MS with Jess. Married Harvey Jasper "Jess" Faith on March 29, 1902.
     Daughter of Jasper N. "Jap" & Eunice (Young) Haller.
FAITH, Cletus Barnett              1918 1918 07-22-1918 08-22-1918
     Son of Harvey Jasper "Jess" & Carrie (Haller) Faith. "Infant Son"
FAITH, Geraldine Anne "Gerri" VETTER 1942 1987 07-01-1942 03-00-1987
     MS with Howard. Married Howard James Faith. "Mother"
FAITH, Harvey Jasper "Jess"        1877 1953 07-06-1877 08-08-1953

     MS with Carrie. Married Carrie Haller on September 29, 1902.
     Son of Alexander Barnett & Emily Myria (Beckwith) Faith.
FAITH, Howard James                1938 1994 11-01-1938 07-22-1994
     US Marine Corps 1955-1959  Peace Time
     MS with Geraldine. Married Geraldine Anne "Gerri" Vetter. "Father"

     Son of Louren H. "Pat" & Odessa C. (Sandmire) Faith.
FAITH, Veda E.                     1909 1911 11-29-1909 03-15-1911
     Daughter of Harvey Jasper "Jess" & Carrie (Haller) Faith.
FELTON, Charles                    1864 1910 03-25-1864 05-03-1910
     LS with his parents and his brother William Felton.
Son of John & Wilhelmena Lousia (Malcon) Felton.      
FELTON, John                       1823 1905 10-23-1823 11-01-1905
     LS with his wife Wilhelmena and their sons Charles & William.
          Married Wilhelmena Louisa Malcon on June 14, 1850.     
FELTON, John Jr.                   1855 1915
     Son of John & Wilhelmena Louisa (Malcon) Felton.
FELTON, Wilhelmena Louisa MALCON   1827 1909 06-14-1827 01-02-1909
     LS with her husband John and their sons Charles & William. "His Wife"
Married John Felton on June 14, 1850.
     Daughter of William & _____ (Miller) Malcon.      
          Note: Maiden name vary: Malchon/Malchow/Malcon
FELTON, William E.                 1858 1918 09-08-1858 08-28-1918

     LS with his parents and his brother Charles.
          Son of John & Wilhelmena Louisa (Malcon) Felton.     
FENTON, Mason Mark                 2005 2021 04-01-2005 04-26-2021
     Son of Mark Patrick & Lyn Renae (Schauer) Fenton.
     Note: Grandson of Patrick & Sharon (Nicholson) Fenton buried here.
FENTON, Patrick C. "Pat"           1943 2015 12-20-1943 01-20-2015
     Married Sharon Ann Nicholson on June 12, 1965 in St. Anne, IL.
     Son of Cyril Paul & Mary Alice (Harsha) Fenton.
FENTON, Sharon Ann NICHOLSON       1946 2018 03-01-1946 12-31-2018
     Married Patrick C. "Pat" Fenton on June 12, 1965 in St. Anne, IL.
     Daughter of Robert & Josephine (Stasko) Nicholson.
FREED, James S.                    1834 1883 10-07-1834 06-26-1883

     Private Co C 112th Indiana Inf - Civil War      
     LS with with his wife Sarah and their daughter Sarah Alcindy Freed WILSON.
     Married Sarah Jane Seward on July 6, 1861 in Carroll Co., IN.

          Small= "J.S. Freed"
FREED, Sarah Jane SEWARD           1840 1869 06-24-1840 11-03-1869

     LS with Her husband James and their daughter Sarah Alcindy Freed WILSON.
     Married James S. Freed on July 6, 1861 in Carroll Co., IN.
     "Wife" Aged 29Ys 4Ms 10Ds
          Note: Small marker hard to read. Data from large bronze marker.
FRIES, Sam                         1888 1888 08-15-1888 10-04-1888

     Son of Samuel Henry & Mary Elvira (Potts) Fries.
     Note: Added from death record.
FULLER, Lucy SMART                 1868 1892            11-15-1892
     Married Clarence S. Fuller on September 16, 1886. Aged 24 years.
     Daughter of William M. & Mary Jane (Stewart) Smart.
     Note: Death records list buried here. Other records buried in Minn.
     Note: Added from death record.

FURGASON, John Q.                  1907 1996 03-31-1907 03-17-1996
     MS with Mildred. Married Mildred Ann Gray on August 31, 1926.
     Son of William & Clarisa (Lane) Furgason.
FURGASON, Mildred Ann GRAY         1909 1996 05-27-1909 03-14-1996
     MS with John. Married John Q. Furgason August 31, 1926.
     Daughter of William & Maggie Mae (Buck) Gray.
GATES, Albert E.                   1924 1993 05-09-1924 05-23-1993
     S1 US Navy - World War II
     Son of Hugo & Hilda (Whipple) Gates.
GHER, David A.                     1855 1912            04-04-1912
     Married Adella Nancy Kilby on November 2, 1879. Aged 57Ys
     Son of Henry & Olive (Core) Gher.
     [See Adella Nancy Kilby [1861-1928] at Bovee Cemetery]
     Note: Henry Ghere/Gher [1829-1864] Pvt Co. B 25th Wisc Inf. died August 10, 1864 in
Marietta, Georgia and is buried in the Marietta National Cemetery, Grave #7835
       Note: No marker found!
GHER, Olive CORE                   1834 1885 03-02-1834 03-13-1885
     Married Henry Gher on March 11, 1852 in Clinton Co., Indiana. Aged 51Ys 11Ds
     Daughter of George William & Eliza Elizabeth (Soper) Core.  
          Note: Henry Ghere/Gher [1829-1864] Pvt Co. B 25th Wisc Inf. died August 10, 1864
Marietta, Georgia and is buried in the Marietta National Cemetery, Grave #7835
GILBERT, Cheryl Sue MARKIN-WENGER  1952 2023 10-15-1952 01-28-2023
     Married Bruce C. Wenger.
     Married _____ Gilbert.
     Daughter of Roscoe Irvin Sr. & Ellen Vertie (McKinney) Markin
     [See Ellen Vertie McKinney-Markin-Jorenson]
GRAVATT, Celia D.                  1851 1869 07-22-1851 11-01-1869

          LS with her father Simeon and her sister Florence. Aged 18Ys 8Ms 21Ds
     Daughter of Simeon & Susan (Wheaton) Gravatt. 
     Note: Born in Ohio. Died of Typhoid fever.
GRAVATT, Florence Elva             1853 1869 11-06-1853 12-01-1869
         LS with her father Simeon and her sister Celia. Aged 16Ys 25Ds
     Daughter of Simeon & Susan (Wheaton) Gravatt. 
     Note: Born in Pennsylvania. Died of Typhoid fever.
GRAVATT, Simeon                    1822 1864            12-19-1864
     Private Co B 44th Inf - Civil War   F=Civil War  Aged 42 years.
          LS with his daughters Celia and Florence.
     Married Susan Wheaton in 1845.
     Son of William & Mary Jane (Felton) Gtavatt.
     Note: Died Dec. 19, 1864 Nashville Tenn, disease.

GRAVATT, Susan WHEATON             1823 1880            04-06-1880
     Married Simeon Gravatt in 1845.
     Daughter of Joseph & Rebecca (Parks) Wheaton.
     Note: Appears name was never engraved on family marker!
GRIMSHAW, Alice E.                 1879 1881
     LS with her parents and her sister Ida.
Daughter of John & Eliza (Norris) Grimshaw.      
GRIMSHAW, Clark                    1878 1879            02-06-1879
     Son of Michael & Maria (Norris) Grimshaw.
GRIMSHAW, Eliza NORRIS             1854 1927 02-03-1854 05-09-1927
     LS with her husband John and their daughters Ida & Alice.
Married John Grimshaw on September 3, 1871. "Mother"
     Daughter of Benjamin B. & Lydia (Stanley) Norris.      
GRIMSHAW, Ida May                  1873 1886
     LS with her parents and her sister Alice.
          Daughter of John & Eliza (Norris) Grimshaw.     
GRIMSHAW, John                     1850 1936 10-26-1850 10-01-1936
     LS with his wife Eliza and their daughters Ida & Alice.
Married Eliza Norris on September 3, 1871. "Father"
     Son of John James & Mary Ann Grimshaw.      
GRIMSHAW, John James               1829 1907 08-01-1829 03-19-1907
     Married Mary Ann _______. Aged 77Ys 7Ms 18Ds
     Married Margaret Newburn-Daughhtee on May 22, 1881. 
     Son of George & Charlotte Grimshaw.
Margaret Newburn-Grimshaw-DAUGHHTEE in Newburn Cemetery]
GRIMSHAW, Mary Ann                 1844 1880 03-17-1844 11-13-1880
     Married John James Grimshaw. Aged 36Ys 7Ms 27Ds
GRIMSHAW, Thomas Meredith          1886 1887 08-09-1886 03-23-1887
     Son of Michael & Maria (Norris) Grimshaw.
     Note: Added from death record.

GROVES, Barbara Ellen SABIN        1862 1937 11-03-1862 02-12-1937
     Married William Franklin Groves on November 14, 1880.
     Daughter of Eli & Eliza (Clark) Sabin.
GROVES, Gaylord                    1920 1920 01-22-1920 03-30-1920
     Son of John S. & Verna E. (Dray) Groves.
          Note: Marker 1919-1920. Death record death year 1920, aged 2Ms 8Ds
GROVES, John S.                    1888 1946 07-18-1888 04-10-1946

     MS with Verna. Married Verna E. Dray on August 2, 1908.
     Son of William Franklin & Barbara Ellen (Sabin) Groves.
GROVES, Raymond                    1917 1918 08-05-1917 12-09-1918
     Son of John S. & Verna E. (Dray) Groves.
          Note: Marker 1914-1917. Death record death year 1918, aged 1Yr 4Ms 4Ds
GROVES, Theo Marie                 1922 1923 02-20-1922 10-10-1923
     Daughter of John S. & Verna E. (Dray) Groves.
     Note: Death record shows death 10-10-1923, aged 7Ms 20Ds.
           Cemetery record was 1922-1923.

GROVES, Verna E. DRAY              1889 1975 09-04-1889 09-28-1975
     MS with John. Married John S. Groves on August 2, 1908.
     Daughter of Orshia Nelson & Jennie (Barto) Dray.
GROVES, William Franklin           1858 1926 08-24-1858 09-25-1926
     Married Barbara Ellen Sabin on November 14, 1880.
     Son of Samuel & Mary E. (Blackledge) Groves.
     Note: Added from death record.

HALLER, Caleb                      1830 1894 04-14-1830 10-24-1894
     Musician Co K 51st Wis Inf - Civil War    F=Civil War
     Married Mary Bolenbaugh.  Aged 64Ys 6Ms 10Ds
HALLER, Eunice YOUNG               1855 1908 06-21-1855 04-03-1908
     Married Jasper N. "Jap" Haller on March 4, 1876.
     Daughter of William & Susan C. (Miller) Young.
HALLER, Frank                      1882 1952 08-13-1882 04-24-1952
     Son of Jasper N. "Jap" & Eunice (Young) Haller.
HALLER, Jasper N. "Jap"            1855 1928
     Married Eunice Young on March 4, 1876.
          Married Lorena Mae "Rena" Rinehart.
     Son of Caleb & Mary (Bolenbaugh) Haller.

          [See Lorena Mae "Rena" Rinehart-Haller-RINEHART in Boaz Cemetery]
HALLER, Mary BOLENBAUGH            1834 1906 04-12-1834 10-13-1906
     Married Caleb Haller.
     Daughter of John & Susan (Bixler) Bolenbaugh.
     Note: Maiden name vary Bularah/Bulavah/Bolenbuagh
Note: Added from death record.
HALSTED, Hannah M. ROBISON         1831 1911 07-02-1831 07-16-1911

    Married Henry Halsted.
    Daughter of William C. & Esther (Duncan) Robison.
    [See Esther Duncan-Robison-McMANIS in Pine River Cemetery]

    Note: Surname vary Halsted/Halstead/Holsted/Holstead.
        Note: Marker engraved HALSTED.
    Note: Her son Henry and his family used the HOLSTED spelling.

HARLAN, (Baby)                     1902 1902 07-27-1902 07-29-1902

aughter of James Wilson & Eliza Sophia (Swanson) Harlan.
    Note: Added from death record.

HARLAN, Alta Mae KANABLE-SCOTT     1932 2011 01-29-1932 03-10-2011
     Married Samuel William Harlan on February 21, 1953
     Married William John Harrell "Bill" Scott on June 8, 1996.
     Daughter of Allen Walter & Doris Pearl (Guist) Kanable.
HARLAN, Eliza Sophia SWANSON       1869 1932 12-22-1869 12-24-1932
     MS with James. Married James Wilson Harlan on October 24, 1888.
     Daughter of Kittle & Helen Amelia (Mortenson) Swanson.
HARLAN, James Wilson               1862 1934 03-14-1862 10-14-1934
          MS with Eliza. Married Eliza Sophia Swanson on October 24, 1888.
     Son of Samuel & Phoebe (Stanley) Harlan.
HARLAN, Minnie                     1908 1908 09-16-1908 09-27-1908
     Daughter of Henry Franklin & Anna Jane (West) Harlan.    
     Note: Added from death record.
HARLAN, Pearl Goldina              1898 1984 06-01-1898 07-31-1984
     MS with her brother Wilson Franklin "Frank" Harlan. "Sister"
     Daughter of Henry Franklin & Anna Jane (West) Harlan.
HARLAN, Rosa                       1907 1907 05-25-1907 12-29-1907
     Daughter of Henry Franklin & Anna Jane (West) Harlan.
     Note: Added from death record.
HARLAN, Samuel                     1825 1911 08-06-1825 12-10-1911

          Married Elizabeth Totten [d. 22-Apr-1855] on December 5, 1853 in Ohio.
     Married Phoebe Stanley on March 18, 1856 in Jay Co., IN.

     Son of Ezekiel & Mary (Kirk) Harlan.
          Note: Added from death record.
HARLAN, Samuel William             1913 1973 05-06-1913 10-04-1973
     Married Alta Mae Kanable on February 21, 1953.
     Son of Henry Franklin & Anna Jane (West) Harlan.
HARLAN, Wilson Franklin "Frank"    1900 1987 03-31-1900 06-26-1987
     MS with his sister Pearl Goldina Harlan. "Brother"
     Son Henry Franklin & Anna Jane (West) Harlan.
     Note: Marker engraved "W. Frank Harlan"
HART, Elizabeth Jane HOUGHTON      1831 1906 05-11-1831 06-03-1906

     Married Levi T. Hart on July 12, 1849.
     Daughter of Jacob & Abigail (Wood) Houghton.
HART, Levi T.                      1825 1895 05-12-1825 07-11-1895
     Private Unassigned 43rd Wis Inf - Civil War
     Married Elizabeth Jane Houghton
on July 12, 1849.
HARWOOD, Fay Mansfield             1915 1916 11-23-1915 04-10-1916
     Son of Clyde Mansfield & Jessie L. (Campbell) Harwood.
          "Baby Fay"
HARWOOD, Jessie L. CAMPBELL        1889 1915 01-20-1889 12-13-1915
     Married Clyde Mansfield Harwood on April 22, 1909.
     Daughter of Charles Marion & Ida Christena (Kilby) Campbell.
HARWOOD, Lillian Agnes WARD        1923 2000 09-10-1923 08-16-2000
     MS with Theron. Married Theron Clyde Harwood on December 5, 1943.
     Daughter of Alonzo Jr. & Mary Elizabeth (Beaumont) Ward.
     "Parents of Jim, Larry, Dennis, John, Kenny and Mary"
HARWOOD, Theron Clyde              1912 1991 01-30-1912 02-22-1991
     MS with Lillian. Married Lillian Agnes Ward on December 5, 1943.
     Son of Clyde
Mansfield & Jessie L. (Campbell) Harwood.
     "Parents of Jim, Larry, Dennis, John, Kenny and Mary"
HAVLIK, Ryland Edward              1942 2017 04-15-1942 08-06-2017
     US Army - Peace Time
     Married Betty J. Maly on July 29, 1978 in Richland Center, WI.
     Son of Edward D. & Florence A. (Dobbs) Havlik.
HELSELL, Andrew Martin             1868 1935 12-15-1868 05-20-1935
     MS with Mary. Married Mary Eudora "Dora" Benton on November 13, 1889.
     Son of Josiah & Catherine (Addleman/Eddleman) Helsell.
HELSELL, Carolyn B. KELLER-JANNEY  1920 2008 09-22-1920 04-06-2008
     MS with Donald. Married Donald Martin Helsell on October 18, 1941.
     Married Lyle H. Janney on May 23, 1983.
     Daughter of Otto Jay & Mabel Ellen (Dray) Keller.
HELSELL, Donald Martin             1915 1980 11-10-1915 05-14-1980
     MS with Carolyn. Married Carolyn B. Keller on October 18, 1941.
     Son of Andrew Martin & Mary Eudora "Dora" (Benton) Helsell.
HELSELL, Mary Eudora "Dora" BENTON 1872 1953 12-11-1872 06-23-1953
     MS with Andrew. Married Andrew Martin Helsell on November 13, 1889.
     Daughter of George Leon & Kesiah (Davis) Benton.
HEMENWAY, Beulah                   1895 1895            08-22-1895
     LS with her parents and her brother Foster.  Aged 2 months.
     Daughter of David Jones & Selma Hedevig (Swanson) Hemenway.      
HEMENWAY, David Jones              1864 1910 06-07-1864 09-07-1910
     LS with his wife Selma and their daughter Beulah and son Foster.
          Married Selma Hedevig Swanson on July 3, 1892.
     Son of Oscar Clyde & Sarah Jane (Sherwood) Hemenway.     
HEMENWAY, Foster C.                 1902 1902
     LS with his parents and his sister Beulah.
Son of David Jones & Selma Hedevig (Swanson) Hemenway.      
HEMENWAY, Friend C.                1870 1871 11-10-1870 02-25-1871
     LS with his parents Oscar and Sarah.
     Son of Oscar Clyde & Sarah Jane (Sherwood) Hemenway.     
HEMENWAY, Henry Howe               1855 1890 09-05-1855 12-08-1890
     Married Elizabeth Emily Ratliff November 26, 1882. Aged 35Ys 3Ms 3Ds
     Son of Oscar Clyde & Sarah Jane (Sherwood) Hemenway.
     [See Elizabeth Emily Ratliff-Hemenway-MAINWARING in Button Cemetery]
HEMENWAY, Oscar Clyde              1826 1878 01-22-1826 05-12-1878
     LS with his wife Sarah and their son Friend. Aged 52Ys 3Ms 20Ds
     Married Sarah Jane Sherwood on April 26, 1848. 
     Son of Moses & Lucretia (Warren) Hemenway.     
HEMENWAY, Sarah Jane SHERWOOD      1826 1904 10-06-1826 07-08-1904
     LS with her husband Oscar and their son Friend.  Aged 77Ys 9Ms 1Ds
Married Oscar Clyde Hemenway on April 26, 1848. 
     Daughter of Edwan & Mary Sherwood.     
HEMENWAY, Selma Hedevig SWANSON     1875 1903 06-27-1875 05-06-1903
     LS with her husband David and their daughter Beulah and son Foster.
          Married David Jones Hemenway on July 3, 1892.
     Daughter of Kittle & Helen Amelia (Mortenson) Swanson.     
HILLESHIEM, (Baby)                1912 1912 06-27-1912 06-27-1912
     Son of Jake & Beulah (Zierfuss) Hilleshiem.
     Note: Added from death record.
HILLESHIEM, Earl D.                1885 1886 05-00-1885 05-22-1886
     Son of Herman Jacob & Rachel A. (Hartley) Hilleshiem.
HILLESHIEM, Esther E. COOPER       1871 1899 11-13-1871 11-10-1899
     Married Herman Jacob Hilleshiem on November 26, 1890.
     Daughter of Aaron & Polly (Robinson) Cooper.
     Note: Added from death record. Cemetery not listed!

HILLESHIEM, Henry John             1859 1945 10-24-1859 12-25-1945
     MS with Unity. Married Unity B. Norris on May 13, 1883. "Husband"
     Son of Jacob & Mary Theresa (Dietrich) Hilleshiem.
HILLESHIEM, Herman Jacob           1857 1921 03-30-1857 07-10-1921
     Married Rachel A. Hartley on November 30, 1884.
     Married Esther E. Cooper on November 26, 1890.
     Married Jane Anna Harbton-Gardner-Berkshire on February 18, 1907.
     Son of Jacob & Mary Theresa (Dietrich) Hilleshiem.
          [See Jane Anna Harbton-Gardner-Berkshire-HILLESHIWM in Bloom City Cemetery]
     Note: Added from obituary and death record.
HILLESHIEM, Jacob                  1834 1888 12-09-1834 06-09-1888
     LS with his wife Mary and their son Jacob H.
Married Mary Theresa Dietrich. Aged 53Ys 6Ms
     Son of Nikolas & Katherina Elizabeth (Rouleder) Hilleshiem.    
HILLESHIEM, Jacob H.               1873 1895 09-04-1873 12-19-1895
     LS with his parents Jacon and Mary.  Aged 22Ys 3Ms 15Ds
Son of Jacob & Mary Theresa (Dietrich) Hilleshiem.      
HILLESHIEM, Mary Theresa DIETRICH  1834 1898 09-04-1834 10-15-1898
     LS with her husband Jacob and their son Jacob H.
          Married Jacob Hilleshiem.
     Daughter of Gottlieb & Maria Dietrich.     
HILLESHIEM, Teresa                 1887 1905            04-07-1905
     Daughter of Herman & Rachel A. (Hartley) Hilleshiem. Aged 18 years.
     Note: Added from death record. Cemetery not listed!
HILLESHIEM, Thomas C.              1885 1909 09-07-1885 04-20-1909
     Married Emma J. Draves on January 20, 1909.
     Son of Henry John & Unity B. (Norris) Hilleshiem.
          [See Emma J. Draves-Hilleshiem-OLIVER in Viola Cemetery]
HILLESHIEM, Unity B. NORRIS        1862 1924 12-02-1862 05-11-1924
     MS with John. Married Henry John Hilleshiem on May 13, 1883. "Wife" 
     Daughter of Benjamin B. & Lydia (Stanley) Norris.
HISSEY, Carol Ann                  1935 1936 09-24-1935 02-25-1936
     Daughter of Elmer & Sarah Jane "Sadie" (Ewing) Hissey.
HISSEY, Elmer                      1906 1967 07-07-1906 06-23-1967
     MS with Sarah. Married Sarah Jane "Sadie" Ewing on August 29, 1929.
     Son of Oliver R. & Jennie Mae (Ewing) Hissey. "Father"
HISSEY, Sarah Jane "Sadie" EWING   1908 1996 03-08-1908 05-09-1996
     MS with Elmer. Married Elmer Hissey on August 29, 1929. "Mother"
     Daughter of John Thomas & Catherine Mahalia (Denman) Ewing. 
HOFFMAN, Samuel P.                 1830 1886            02-17-1886
     Private Co D 22nd Wisconsin Infantry - Civil War    F=CivilWar
     Son of John & Katherine (Fredericks) Huffman.
     Note: Marker Engraved: "S.P. Hoffman Co D 22nd Wis. Inf" US provide:
Samuel P. Hoffman, died 17-Feb-1886.  Not on Co D Roster after disabilty
      but on Permanent Guard Roster. Drafted 9-26-1864 and on
Permanent Guard Roster
      when disability discharged on 1-29-1865
. No dates on marker!
         Note: Use of surname vary: HOFFMAN HUFFMAN 
HOFIUS, Cynthia Ann BARRY         1848 1932 05-11-1848 01-04-1932

     Married Joseph Wellington Hofius on October 3, 1872. "Mother"
     Daughter of James Henry & Sylvia Ann (Woodman) Barry.
          Note: Some records showed birth as 7th, latest obit as the 11th.
HOFIUS, Eliza Jane WHEATON         1818 1898 07-20-1818 12-13-1898

     MS with James. Married James Hofius. "Mother"

     Daughter of Joseph & Rebecca (Parks) Wheaton.
HOFIUS, James                      1808 1865 08-08-1808 10-00-1865
          Married Sarah _____ about 1828.    
     MS with Eliza. Married Eliza Jane Wheaton. "Father"

     Son of George Theodore Sr. & Jane (Clark) Hofius.
          Note: Her 1st wife  Sarah, was born about 1806 and died before 1850.
HOFIUS, Joseph Wellington          1854 1940 12-13-1854 09-25-1940
     Married Cynthia Ann Barry on October 3, 1872. "Father"
     Son of James & Eliza Jane (Wheaton) Hofius.
HOLSTED, (Baby)                    1908 1908 07-19-1908 10-12-1908
     Son of Henry Bert & Lillie Mae (Young) Holsted.
     Note: Added from death record.
HOLSTED, Buford L.                 1905 1974 04-25-1905 02-09-1974
     Son of Henry Bert & Lillie Mae (Young) Holsted.
     Note: Surname vary Halsted/Halstead/Holsted/Holstead.
           Note: Marker engraved HOLSTED.
HOLSTED, Grover                    1916 1916 01-04-1916 01-08-1916

     Son of Henry Bert & Lillie Mae (Young) Holsted.
     Note: Added from death record.
HOLSTED, Henry Bert               1874 1932 09-16-1874 03-14-1932
     Married Lillie Mae Young on November 20, 1895.
     Son of Henry & Hannah M. (Robison) Halsted.
     Note: Surname vary Halsted/Halstead/Holsted/Holstead.
     Note: Marker "Bert Holsted"

HOLSTED, Lillie Mae YOUNG        1876 1926 11-23-1876 03-15-1926
     Married Henry Bert Holsted on November 20, 1895.
     Daughter of William & Susan C. (Miller) Young.
          Note: Surname vary Halsted/Halstead/Holsted/Holstead.
     Note: Marker "Mae Holsted"
HOLSTED, Theodore                1902 1918 01-16-1902 05-25-1918
     Son of Henry Bert & Lillie Mae (Young) Holsted.
HOOVER, Barbara Elizabeth CARTER-DEHRING  1915 2004 01-22-1915 09-23-2004
     Married Charles Frankfurt Dehring on October 22, 1941. 
     Married Ivan H. Hoover on January 9, 1982.
     Daughter of James Irvin "Jim" & Annie Matilda (Harlan) Carter.
         Note: Charles Dehring [1877-1962] buried in Blue Eath Co., MN.
HOOVER, Ivan H.                    1905 2004 08-27-1905 07-27-2004
     Married Margaret Adella Harlan on May 5, 1926.
     Married Barbara Elizabeth Carter-Dehring on January 9, 1982.
     Son of Earl & Alma (Pugh) Hoover.
HOOVER, Luna May MARKIN            1896 1985 05-22-1896 07-13-1985
     Married Kenneth Hoover on April 25, 1926.
     Daughter of John Andrew & Cora S. (Conkle) Markin.
HOOVER, Margaret Adella HARLAN     1907 1980 12-12-1907 08-24-1980
     Married Ivan H. Hoover on May 5, 1926.
     Daughter of James Wilson & Eliza Sophia (Swanson) Harlan.
HOPKINS, Thomas                    1856 1894 02-04-1856 09-04-1894
HUSTON, George D.                  1873 1876 09-28-1873 08-14-1876
     Son of Samuel & Mary Ann (Carter) Huston. Aged 2Ys 10Ms 17Ds
          Note: Small marker, broken in two and hard to read.
HUSTON, Jane THOMPSON              1813 1901 05-12-1813 04-26-1901

     LS with John. Married John Huston in 1846. Aged 87Ys 11Ms 14Ds
HUSTON, John                       1818 1891            12-14-1891
     LS with Jane. Married Jane Thompson in 1846 in Ireland. Aged 73 years.
HUSTON, John A.                    1857 1888 09-11-1857 04-14-1888
     Son of John & Jane (Thompson) Huston. Aged 30Ys 7Ms 3Ds
HUTH, Arthur Frederick             1903 1904 07-01-1903 02-18-1904
          MS with his great-grandmother Christina (Schaafhausen) Huth.
     Son of Carl August Wilhelm & Mary Teressa Wilhelmina (Hilleshiem) Huth.
HUTH, Carl August Wilhelm          1865 1942 09-08-1865 04-01-1942
     Married Mary Teressa Wilhelmina Hilleshiem on April 15, 1896. "Father"
     Son of Herman & Christina (Schaafhausen) Huth.
HUTH, Christina SCHAAFHAUSEN       1825 1903 06-04-1825 02-14-1903
          MS with her great-grandson Arthur Frederick Huth.
     Married Herman Huth.

     Small=Grandma Huth
HUTH, Emil J.                      1901 1982 05-25-1901 01-27-1982
     MS with Norma. Married Norma M. Soltwedel on February 27, 1936.
     Son of Carl August Wilhelm & Mary Teressa Wilhelmina (Hilleshiem) Huth.
HUTH, Mary Teressa Wilhelmina HILLESHIEM 1871 1955 08-15-1871 01-19-1955
     Married Carl August Wilhelm Huth on April 15, 1896. "Mother"
     Daughter of Jacob & Mary Theresa (Dietrich) Hilleshiem.
HUTH, Norma M. SOLTWEDEL-WANLESS   1914 2007 02-24-1914 04-15-2007
     MS with Emil. Married Emil J. Huth on February 27, 1936. "Mother"
     Married Vernon "Mills" Wanless on October 24, 1987.
Daughter of Earnest G. & Esther A. (Goetsch) Soltwedel.
JASPER, Kevin R.
     Married Lynn Marree Atkinson Kevin Jasper on April 11, 1997.
     Son of Randall "Randy" & Zena (McFadden) Jasper.
     Owner - All dates pending.
JASPER, Lynn Marree ATKINSON       1969 2022 11-12-1969 02-16-2022
     Married Kevin R. Jasper on April 11, 1997.
     Daughter of LaVern & Betty Atkinson.
JONES, Bessie M. WILSON            1898 1948 06-01-1898 01-18-1948

     Married John Francis Jones on June 15, 1916 in Ismay, Montana.
     Daughter of John Morrison & Mary Matilda (Payne) Wilson.
     Note: Added from death record. No marker found.

JONES, John Francis                1889 1934 01-20-1889 04-22-1934
     Married Bessie M. Wilson on June 15, 1916 in Ismay, Montana.
     Son of Daniel & Ella Nora (Monroe) Jones.
     Note: Added from death record.

JORGENSON, Ellen Vertie MCKINNEY-MARKIN 1925 2018 11-29-1925
     Married Roscoe Irvin Markin on November 27, 1948.
     Married Harold F. Jorgenson on May 10, 1980.
     Daughter of Mason & Iona Z. (Nevel) McKinney.
     "Our Beloved Mother"
     [See Roscoe Irvin Markin in Willow Valley Cemetery]
     Note: Harold F. Jorgenson 1930-1996 buried in Madison, WI.
JURGENSEN, Alma Esther HUTH        1938 2018 09-30-1938 04-07-2018

     MS with Charles. Married Charles Christian Jurgensen on Aug. 23, 1958.
     Daughter of Emil J. & Norma M. (Soltwedel) Huth.
     "Our Children   Thomas  Judy  Jane"
JURGENSEN, Carl Christian          1901 1970 08-26-1901 03-02-1970
     Married Estella Viola Ferguson on May 29, 1925.
     Son of Andreas & Lucia (Cornielsen) Jurgensen.
JURGENSEN, Charles Christian       1933 1993 03-14-1933 02-02-1993
     SP 3 US Army Korea   F=Korea
MS with Alma. Married Alma Esther Huth on August 23, 1958.
     Son of Carl Christian & Estella Viola (Ferguson) Jurgensen.     
          "Our Children   Thomas  Judy  Jane"
JURGENSEN, Estella Viola FERGUSON  1905 1990 08-10-1905 04-16-1990
     Married Carl Christian Jurgensen on May 29, 1925.
     Daughter of Lester Ulysses & Laura Annie (Gulbertson) Ferguson.
JURGENSEN, Gene Leroy              1945 2009 07-13-1945 05-07-2009
     Married Carmen Rosanne Erickson.
     Son of Carl Christian & Estella Viola (Ferguson) Jurgensen.
KIRKPATRICK, Arlow D.              1858 1913 02-12-1858 05-27-1913

      LS with his parents Robert and Mary.   
     Son of Robert & Mary Jane (Campbell) Kirkpatrick.

KIRKPATRICK, Clara Eveline         1893 1894 09-28-1893 06-30-1894
     Daughter of John W. & L. Ellie (Long) Kirkpatrick.
          Note: Granddaughter of Robert & Mary Jane (Campbell) Kirkpatrick.
     Note: Added from death record.
KIRKPATRICK, Mary Jane CAMPBELL    1836 1909 01-24-1836 08-23-1909
     LS with her husband Robert and their son Arlow.
     Married Robert Kirkpatrick.

     Daughter of William & Pernima (Denman) Campbell.
KIRKPATRICK, Robert                1834 1916 05-08-1834 02-04-1916
     Veteran - Unassigned Unit Wis - Civil War   F=Civil War
     LS with his wife Mary and their son Arlow.
     Married Mary Jane Campbell.

     Son of John & Hannah (Patterson) Kirkpatrick.
KLINGAMAN, David Scott             1958 2004 07-17-1958 02-10-2004
     "Beloved Son, Brother, Father"
KNIGHT, Mary Ellen MCKINNEY-TOLMAN 1855 1949 05-16-1855 06-20-1949
     Married Andrew M. Tolman on August 14, 1880 in Ottawa, Illinois.
     Married Fremont C. Knight on January 25, 1905 in Chicago, Illinois.
     Daughter of William & Susan (Britten) McKinney.
     Note: Added from obituary and death record.
     Note: Andrew M. Tolman died about 1909. Burial place unknown.
     Note: Fremont C. Knight Fremont Knight [1856-1931] Mary was his second
           of four wives and their marriage was less then 5 years.
           He is buried in Waukegan, IL.
KOLMAN, Bradley D.                 1974 2007 07-07-1974 10-03-2007
     Son of Delbert Charles & Patricia C. "Pat" (Young) Kolman.
     "Beloved Son"
KOLMAN, Charles                    1881 1950 09-16-1881 03-20-1950

     MS with Tressa. Married Tressa May Amey on November 28, 1905.
     Son of Frank D. & Josephine "Josie" Kolman.
           Note: His parents are buried in the Willow Valley Cemetery.
KOLMAN, Delbert Bradley "Ted"      1907 1959 10-07-1907 05-23-1959
     MS with Fern. Married Fern Eva Clary on September 12, 1936.
     Son of Charles & Tressa May (Amey) Kolman.
KOLMAN, Delbert Charles            1940      01-04-1940
     MS with Delbert. Married Patricia C. "Pat" Young on September 5, 1965.
     Son of Delbert Bradley "Ted" & Fern Eva (Clary) Kolman.
     Death date pending.
KOLMAN, Fern Eva CLARY             1916 1993 01-06-1916 07-01-1993

     MS with Delbert. Married Delbert Bradley "Ted" Kolman on Sept. 12, 1936.
     Daughter of Ira Arby & Anna Marie (Jensen) Clary.
KOLMAN, Foster V.                  1906 1908 07-19-1906 06-17-1908
     Son of Charles & Tressa May (Amey) Kolman.
KOLMAN, Patricia C. "Pat" YOUNG    1944 2008 08-10-1944 11-07-2008
     MS with Delbert. Married Delbert Charles Kolman on September 5, 1965.
     Daughter of Gerald & Lorena (Jackson) Young.
KOLMAN, Tressa May AMEY            1886 1957 07-15-1886 11-03-1957
     MS with Charles. Married Charles Kolman on November 28, 1905.
     Daughter of Virgil Devoe & Mary Katurah (McIllhattan) Amey.
LANGHOFF, Ida Jane HOFIUS-WHEATON  1857 1946 04-10-1857 01-02-1946
     Married Perry Wheaton on November 4, 1876 [Perry died in 1878].
     Married Samuel H. Langhoff in 1880.
     Daughter of James & Eliza Jane (Wheaton) Hofius.
     Note: Added from obituary.
LANGHOFF, Samuel H.                1857 1926 10-04-1857 10-31-1926

     Married Ida Jane Hofius-Wheaton in 1880.  
     Son of Herman & Mary (Tubbs) Langhoff.
     Note: Added from death record.

LEWIS, Flossie                     1886 1886 03-04-1886 03-10-1886
     LS with her sister Luella. "Hope"
Daughter of Mark McNary & Mary Jane (Huston) Lewis.      
LEWIS, Luella Bertha               1892 1906 08-27-1892 01-04-1906
     LS with her sister Flossie. "Hope"
Daughter of Mark McNary & Mary Jane (Huston) Lewis.      
LEWIS, Mark McNary                 1853 1910 11-12-1853 03-10-1910
     Married Mary Jane Huston on January 14, 1880.
     Married Ethel M. Crabb on September 16, 1903.
     Son of Andrew J. & Sarah Ann (VanPool) Lewis.
LEWIS, Mary Jane HUSTON            1858 1902 12-29-1858 06-06-1902
     Married Mark McNary Lewis on January 14, 1880.
     Daughter of John & Jane (Thompson) Huston.
LIEK, Alice Blanche TOLMAN         1884 1977 06-11-1884 04-06-1977
     MS with her daughter Marie.
Married Harry J. Liek on October 14, 1908.
     Daughter of Andrew M. & Mary Ellen (McKinney) Tolman.      
         [See Mary Ellen McKinney-Tolman-KNIGHT]
LIEK, Marie J.                     1911 1986 05-09-1911 12-09-1986

     MS with her mother Alice.
Daughter of Harry J. & Alice Blanche (Tolman) Liek.     
LIEK, Morse Henry                  1909 1986 05-07-1909 06-27-1986
     Son of Henry J. & Alice Blanche (Tolman) Liek.
LONG, Tessie Esther COOPER         1895 1929 09-19-1895 08-09-1929
     Married Blythe Cleo Long in 1920. 
     Daughter of Sylvester & Lucy Ann (Craig) Cooper.
          Note: Blythe Long [1892-1955] buried in Queens City, Missouri.

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