Dayton Corners Cemetery

                                                              Dayton Township, Richland County, Wisconsin  USA

                                                HERE THEY SLEEP Narrative


Catalogued September 6, 1975 by the Brush Creek 4-H Club under the direction of Mrs. Al Havlick. Located along a town road 0.7 mile south of junction County Trunk ZZ and U. S. 14, section 23, Town of Dayton. The cemetery began as a Methodist churchyard cemetery. The church is no longer in use while the burial site is now public. The grounds are in fair condition, The first known burial was in 1858. The name Dayton is also synonymous with Dayton Ridge, which once boasted of a prominent share in the early settlement plus the blazing of a pioneer highway across the several ridges northward from the flat country to the south. A hotel, barbershop, U. S. Post Office, trading post and residential units were clustered about, as well as churches, town hall and grade school. It indeed was a road to the north until expansion on all sides began to diminish the long held importance of a landmark settlement such as Dayton Corners.

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